Volume 5(7)


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Regular Articles:

Ibrahim G. Alghamdi, Ghanem M. Al-Ghamdi. The incidence rate of female breast cancer in England, United Kingdom: An observational descriptive epidemiological analysis of data from National Statistics Office 2000-2014.  American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(7): 1-30. [Full Text-PDF]

Khobondo J.O., Mwakubambanya, R.,  Wasike, C.B., Kahi, A.K. Genetic and non-genetic sources of variation in natural antibodies titre values among indigenous chicken. American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(7): 30-45. [Full Text-PDF]

Usip, Lawrence Patrick Esiet, Affia, Udeme U., Akpan, Mbuotidem Nseabasi. Prevalence of intestinal parasites among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in General Hospital Calabar, Nigeria. American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(7): 46-59. [Full Text-PDF]

Abdul Basit, Itrat Batool Abbas, Ali Nawaz, Hamid Mukhtar and Ikram ul Haq. Recent trends in marketing biotechnology. American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(7): 60-73. [Full Text-PDF]

Muna Ibrahim Abdalla, Abdel Halim Rahama Ahmed, Babiker El Wasila Mohamed, Tag Elsir Elkhidir Ahmed. Organoleptic quality of Sudanese White Soft Cheese (Gibna bayda) As Affected by Packaging Techniques.  American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(7): 74-83. [Full Text-PDF]