Volume 5(10)


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Regular Articles:

Ahsan Iqbal, Miss Rabia Saif, Miss Rabia Zafar, Miss Sobia Aleem. Genetic basis of variation in achene yield and oil contents in sunflower hybrid. American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(10): 1-18. [Full Text-PDF]

Eziyi J.A.E, Adeniran A.O, Amusa Y. B, Badmus S, Adeyemo A, Ameye S.A, Olusoga-Peter O. Complication of pediatric rhinosinusitis in a tertiary care hospital. American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(10): 19-27. [Full Text-PDF]

Bashua O.C., Oladunmoye M.K. Antimicrobial activities of the indigenous black soap fortified with honey on some selected skin pathogens. American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(10): 28-64. [Full Text-PDF]