

The American Journal of Research Communication (AJRC) is an online open access journal for rapid publication of articles in all fields of sciences.  In addition to Biological Sciences including Biotechnology, Microbiology, Plant and Crop Sciences, Agricultural and Food Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical Sciences and Pharmacology, Medicine and Food Sciences, and Bioinformatics, AJRC also publishes articles in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Sciences, Art, Management, Social Sciences, Economics, Finance, Business, and so on.  For details, please check “Aim and Scope” section at home page.  Articles from all research areas are welcome and will be considered equally.

Manuscript submission

Manuscript submission is preferred in an electronic version and sent as an email attachment to the Editorial Office at:  Figures, tables, and charts should be inserted into text as a single Microsoft Word file.  If the combined single file is too large to be sent in email, please send the text and figures separately.  Please refer to articles in “Article in Press” or “Archives” sections as templates for your manuscripts.

Review process

A manuscript is reviewed by an editor or sent to outside reviewers for evaluation.  Authors are encouraged to suggest 2-3 reviewers during the submission for evaluation of the manuscript(s).   Most manuscripts will be accepted as is if positive feedback is obtained from the editor or reviewer(s).  If there is minor revision required, the manuscript will be accepted with conditions that the it is revised according to editor’s or reviewer’s evaluation.

Manuscript organization

American Journal of Research Communication allows flexible organizations of articles.  However, contents in most articles are in the following orders:



Author affiliation



Materials and methods






If necessary, some of these parts can be combined.  Any styles of references are acceptable as long as they are organized well.

Copyrights and Disclaimer

When a manuscript is submitted to American Journal of Research Communication (AJRC), the author(s) agree that the work described in the manuscript is original by the author(s), and is not published or being considered by other Journals; and on submission of a manuscript or editions to a manuscript, the author(s) agree that all contents of the manuscript have been approved by all authors listed on the manuscript; and if the manuscript is accepted by AJRC, the author(s) agree to automatically transfer all copyrights to AJRC.  All work and contents on American Journal of Research Communication (AJRC) are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Facts and opinions in articles published on American Journal of Research Communication (AJRC) are solely the personal statements of respective authors.  Authors are responsible for all contents in their article(s) including accuracy of the facts, statements, citing resources, and so on.  American Journal of Research Communication and editors disclaim any liability of violations of other parties’ rights, or any damage incurred as a consequence to use or apply any of the contents of American Journal of Research Communication.

Handling and processing charge

American Journal of Research Communication provides open-access publication for scientific articles.  Although we do not charge publication fee, handling and processing fees will be required only to accepted manuscripts.  However, partial waiver of the charge is available under certain circumstances.  Please send your request of discount along with the submission of manuscript if needed.

The handling and processing fees for an accepted manuscript is:

Low income country:  $100

Middle income country: $300

High income country: $550

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