Volume 5(8)


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Paper of the Month:

Hajer A. Idrees, Al Fadhil A. Omer, Waggas A. Elaas, Zakariya M. S.Mohammed, Mohamed Sidig. Serological Significance of Anti-HBc IgG Marker detected in Sudanese Haemodialysis Patients. American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(8): 1-8. [Full Text-PDF]

Regular Articles:

Ali, E.O., Tor-Anyin, T.A., Igoli, J.O., Anyam, J.V., Hammuel, C. Antimicrobial activity of Anogeissus leiocarpus stems bark extracts and an isolate from the plant against some microbes. American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(8): 9-25. [Full Text-PDF]

Naftaly Gisore Mose. Does availability of credit advance private investment? American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(8): 26-46. [Full Text-PDF]

Traoré Lamine, Coulibaly N’Tji, Yaro Niamoye, Sanogo Jean Luc. Biological Efficiency and selectivity of two (2) pre-emergence maize herbicide (Lagon 575 SC and Primagold 537.5 SE) on station and On-farm conditions. American Journal of Research Communication, 2017, 5(8): 47-65. [Full Text-PDF]