Volume 4(10)


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Paper of the Month:

Sami R. Al-Katib, Zaid M. AL-Hakkak. Pulmonary function, hematological parameters and inflammatory markers in workers exposed to wheat flour dust in Najaf City.  American Journal of Research Communication, 2016, 4(10): 1-9.  [Full Text-PDF]

Regular Articles:

Gbolagade Durodola Gbolagunte, Emmanuel David Silas.  Acclimatization potential isolated fungi from tannery waste and land fill to various chrome concentrations.  American Journal of Research Communication, 2016, 4(10): 10-18.  [Full Text-PDF]

Enonche Adakole, Kennedy Arebamen Eiriemiokhale, Florence Oluchi Nnaji.  Factors affecting availability of instructional materials in teaching and learning office technology and management in polytechnics in Niger State, Nigeria.  American Journal of Research Communication, 2016, 4(10): 19-37.  [Full Text-PDF]

Kebadiretse Mothibedi, Shalaulani J. Nsoso, Esau E. Waugh and Patrick M. Kgwatalala.  Semen characteristics of purebred naked neck tswana and black australorp x naked neck tswana crossbred chickens under an intensive management system in Botswana.  American Journal of Research Communication, 2016, 4(10): 38-47.  [Full Text-PDF]

Nwankwo, Ignatius Uche;  Onyima, Blessing Nonye.  Social anthropological inquiry onto “camp agriculture mass production strategy” at Agadama community of Delta State, Nigeria.  American Journal of Research Communication, 2016, 4(10): 48-66.  [Full Text-PDF]

Nizar Almaghrabi.  A cross-sectional study of knowledge and awareness of radiation exposure risk in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.   American Journal of Research Communication, 2016, 4(10): 67-75.  [Full Text-PDF]

Solo Otto Gaye, Adetunde, I. An Alluring Paradise for Tourism: Cape Palmas a reference point in Liberia.  American Journal of Research Communication, 2016, 4(10): 76-90.  [Full Text-PDF]

Adamoah Yara Kingsley, Acquah Joseph.  Determinants of students’ performance in basic education certificate examination (BECE) in the upper east region of Ghana: a case study of Kassena-Nankana West District (KNWD).  American Journal of Research Communication, 2016, 4(10): 91-107.  [Full Text-PDF]