Volume 3(1)


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Paper of the Month:

Al joharah Al obaikan, Ashraf Zayed Al Benayan, Hesham I Al khashan, Ahmed Al awwad, Aboud F Al aboud, Maha Bassim, Adel Mishriky, Umar Yagoub. Incident reporting and its impact on quality of health care services in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. American Journal of Research Communication, 2015, 3(1): 1-14.  [Full Text-PDF]

Regular Articles:

Kilambo, Deusdedit L.; Mlwilo, Bahati L,; Mtenga, Damian J.; Maro, Godsteven P. Effect of soils properties on the quality of compact Arabica hybrids in Tanzania. American Journal of Research Communication, 2015, 3(1): 15-19.  [Full Text-PDF]

Basil O. Saleh, Maysaa J. Majeed, Ghassan M. Oreaby. Irisin peptide is myokine, anti-obesity and anti-lipidemic factor. American Journal of Research Communication, 2015, 3(1): 20-30.  [Full Text-PDF]

Kilambo, Deusdedit.; Mtenga, Damian.; Ng’Homa, Nyabisi.; Ngomuo, R.; Teri, James, Mlwilo, Bahati. A decade of contributing to a profitable and sustainable coffee industry in Tanzania: the Arabica and Robusta Improvement Programmes. American Journal of Research Communication, 2015, 3(1): 31-35.  [Full-Text-PDF]

Ngwai Y.B., Nkene I.H., Abimiku R.H., Envuladu E.Y. Evaluation of mutant prevention concentrations of cephalosporin antibiotics for fecal Escherichia coli isolated in Keffi, Nigeria. American Journal of Research Communication, 2015, 3(1): 36-50.  [Full Text-PDF]

Saeed Sehhat , Mahsa Taheri, Davoud Hosseinabadi Sadeh. Ranking of insurance companies in Iran using AHP and TOPSIS techniques. American Journal of Research Communication, 2015, 3(1): 51-60.  [Full Text-PDF]

Abbas, Israa, Omer, Al Fadhil, Ali, H. Detection of cefoxitin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Khartoum hospitals, Sudan, 2011. American Journal of Research Communication, 2015, 3(1): 73-83.  [Full Text-PDF]

Akunna G.G., Saalu L.C., Ogunlade B., Akingbade A.M., Anderson L.E., Olusolade F.S. Histo-morphometric evidences for testicular derangement in animal models submitted to chronic and sub-chronic inhalation of fragrance. American Journal of Research Communication, 2015, 3(1): 85-101.  [Full Text-PDF]