








                 Volume 11(10)                        Volume 12(3)

Aim and Scope


American Journal of Research Communication (AJRC) headquarters at Texas, USA and is an international peer-reviewed open-access journal publishing original research papers in all fields of sciences.  AJRC is devoted to rapid dissemination of significant research in natural and social sciences.  Initial decision for a manuscript will be made within 7 days after the submission.  AJRC publishes regular research articles, reviews, short communications, and other types of research papers.  AJCS would consider manuscript in the following areas (but not limited to):


Biological Sciences

Plant and Crop Sciences

Agriculture and Food Sciences

Medical Sciences and Pharmacology

Animal Sciences and Health Care

Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics

Engineering and Computer Sciences

Art, Management and Social Sciences

Economics, Finance and Business


Please contact Editorial Office of AJRC at ajrc.question@gmail.com if you have questions about whether your article is suitable for publishing on AJRC.  Please also read the instruction before submission.